I was looking for ways to use up soon to go bad veggies. I also had some store bought kimchi. I've got kimchi recipes. But this isn't about hours of labor. This is an egg sandwich, yo.
Ridiculously simple AND delicious. You can eat this as a lower carb sandwich using CarbManager bread - I get it at Kroger. (My local Kroger is Union organized. Just sayin') Or you can eat it as an omelette if you're doing real keto. Each slice of bread is 4 net carbs, so obviously, this is classified as a lower carb option. It works out to 15 carbs total if you eat the bread, so if you eat it for breakfast, you'll want to eat only meat the rest of the day. But sometimes, it's just worth it. I'm saying this is scrappy food. The good kind of scrap food that makes your mouth water just thinking about it. I could probably talk about the trip I took to Korea lo these many years ago, but just like this sandwich, this is not that kind of blog post. This is a I'm HUNGRY, what we got?
2 pieces CarbMaster bread
pats of butter
2 large eggs
splash of cream
1 heaping tablespoon kimchi
various chopped fridge veggies (Whatever you use, you will need to add to get your own CarbManager numbers)
1 Tbsp soybean paste with chilis
2 slices bacon
1. If you are using bread, griddle that toast. Put butter on both sides of the bread, and toast them up nice and crunchy in a cast iron pan over the stovetop.
2. Cook up your bacon to the level of crispiness you like.
3. Crack two eggs into a bowl, whip them with a splash of milk. Add in the kimchi and veggies. Whip some more. Melt a pat of butter in your egg pan. Pour in the egg mixture. Let it be for 30 seconds, then take a silicon spatula and start lifting up the edges of the egg mixture, turning the pan to allow the runny parts of the egg to run under the edges. Keep doing that until you have an omelette. Take off heat.
4. Why not add a little more butter to the bread. It's toast. It likes butter. Now add 1/2 tablespoon schmear of the soybean paste to each piece of bread. Pile the omelette up on the cutting board, cut in half, place one heap of omelette on each piece of bread. Put the bacon on, make the sandwich. Eat.
So it goes - bread
bean paste
bean paste
bread You can thank me later! :)
Nutrition Information Taken off CarbManager
Net Carbs Total: 15g
Total Carbs: 26g Fiber: 10g
Protein: 33g
Fat: 40g
Calories: 535
P.S. - when I say bean paste with chilis, I mean this sort of condiment I got at an Asian grocery store.
